Original post: http://lesswrong.com/r/discussion/lw/mp2/my_future_posts_a_table_of_contents
When I wrote my first table of contents I was writing on the lesswrong forums. I had big plans to write many posts and pre-commit myself to publishing a lot of things. This is what I said:
I have been living in the lesswrong rationality space for at least two years now. Recently more active than previously. This has been deliberate. I plan to make more serious active posts in the future. In saying so I wanted to announce the posts I intend on making when moving forwards from today. This should do a few things:
- keep me on track
- keep me accountable to me more than anyone else
- keep me accountable to others
- allow others to pick which they would like to be created sooner
- allow other people to volunteer to create/collaborate on these topics
- allow anyone to suggest more topics
- meta: this post should help to demonstrate one person’s method of developing rationality content and the time it takes to do that.
Life skills and maintenance:
A very long list of sleep maintenance suggestions – I wrote up all the ideas I knew of; there are about 150 or so; worth reviewing just to see if you can improve your sleep because the difference in quality of life with good sleep is a massive change. (20mins to write an intro Actually 2 hours)
A list of common human goals – when plotting out goals that matter to you; so you can look over some common ones and see you fulfilling them interests you. (done)
A list of techniques to help you remember names. – remembering names is a low-hanging social value fruit that can improve many of your early social interactions with people. I wrote up a list of techniques to help. (2.5hrs to get feedback on and post)
Memory and notepads – writing notes as evidence, the value of notes (they are priceless) and what you should do. (1hr + 1hr over a week)
Exploration-Exploitation and a method of applying the secretary problem to real life. I devised a rough equation for application of the secretary problem to real life dating and the exploration-exploitation dilemma.
How to learn X – How to attack a problem of learning a new area that you don’t know a lot about (for a generic thing) (done)
General buying things considerations – New to the whole adult thing? wondering what to ask yourself when considering purchases? Here is a list of general considerations. (3hrs)
Updated here List of useful apps (old: list of useful apps)- my current list of apps that I use also some very good suggestions in the comments. (done)
New Year’s Resolutions: Things worth considering – At the time of writing; New-year is fast approaching. As a natural shelling point here is a list of considerations on what you might like to get around to doing next year. (Not a post on how; only about making those considerations)
Inbox zero – You should do inbox zero; this is a brief guide on how to do the laziest form of inbox zero I know of.
Procrastination checklist – a process to go through to try to break out of procrastination
Black box thinking – A way to describe known unknowns, or excuse yourself from knowing things
Preference over preference – If an entity has preference, and an entity prefers another entity to have a particular preference, I call this preference over preference. And it’s worth talking about.
Cultivate the desire to X – You maybe want to do a thing; maybe don’t know if you do. There is a helpful middle ground. You want to do the thing; but don’t seem to have actually managed to make yourself do it? Try this.
Purposeful Anti-Rush – Instrumental process of slowing down.
Other topics for posts
The null result: a magnetic ring wearing experiment. – a fun one; about how wearing magnetic rings was cool; but not imparting of superpowers. (done)
Sensory perception differences and how it shapes personal experience – Is a sound as loud to you as everyone else? What about a picture? Are colours as clear and vivid to you as they are to other people? This post is a consideration in whether the individual difference in experiences can shape our experience and choices in how we live our lives. Includes some short exercises in sensory perceptions.
Lesswrong real time chat – A Slack channel for hanging out with other rationalists. Also where I talk about my latest posts before I put them up.
2015: a year in review – All of humanities science and technology milestones that I could find; gathered into one exciting list; originally created for the solstice, but now everyone can share it and celebrate in humanities successes!
Lesswrong potential changes – Everything that everyone things should change about lesswrong. All compiled together, it took a long time to create.
The lesswrong 2016 survey – the demographic survey of lesswrong users and visitors.
A very quick values exercise – A value is like a direction – you go north, or south. You may hit goal mountains and hang a right past that tree but you still want to be going north. Specifically you may want to lose weight on the way to being healthy, but being healthy is what you value.
Adversity to success – Why are there so many adversity to success stories?
Unwritten future posts
Goals of your lesswrong group – Do you have a local group; why? What do you want out of it (do people know)? setting goals, doing something particularly, having fun anyway, changing your mind. (4hrs)
Goals interrogation + Goal levels – Goal interrogation is about asking <is this thing I want to do actually a goal of mine> and <is this the best way to achieve that>, goal levels are something out of Sydney Lesswrong that help you have mutual long term goals and supporting short term goal. (2hrs)
How to human – A zero to human guide. A guide for basic functionality of a humanoid system. (4hrs)
List of strategies for getting shit done – working around the limitations of your circumstances and understanding what can get done with the resources you have at hand. (4hrs)
List of superpowers and kryptonites – when asking the question “what are my superpowers?” and “what are my kryptonites?”. Knowledge is power; working with your powers and working out how to avoid your kryptonites is a method to improve yourself. (6hrs over a week)
List of effective behaviours – small life-improving habits that add together to make awesomeness from nothing. And how to pick them up. (8hrs over 2 weeks)
Suicide prevention checklist – feeling off? You should have already outsourced the hard work for “things I should check on about myself” to your past self. Make it easier for future you. Especially in the times that you might be vulnerable. (4hrs)
Make it easier for future you. Especially in the times that you might be vulnerable. – as its own post in curtailing bad habits. (5hrs)
A p=np approach to learning – Sometimes you have to learn things the long way; but sometimes there is a short cut. Where you could say, “I wish someone had just taken me on the easy path early on”. It’s not a perfect idea; but start looking for the shortcuts where you might be saying “I wish someone had told me”. Of course my line now is, “but I probably wouldn’t have listened anyway” which is something that can be worked on as well. (2hrs)
Rationalists guide to dating – attraction. Relationships. Doing things with a known preference. Don’t like stupid people? Don’t try to date them. Think first; an exercise in thinking hard about things before trying trial-and-error on the world. (half written, needs improving 2hrs)
Training inherent powers (weights, temperatures, smells, estimation powers) – practice makes perfect right? Imagine if you knew the temperature always, the weight of things by lifting them, the composition of foods by tasting them, the distance between things without measuring. How can we train these, how can we improve. (2hrs)
Strike to the heart of the question. The strongest one; not the one you want to defeat – Steelman not Strawman. Don’t ask “how do I win at the question”; ask, “am I giving the best answer to the best question I can give”, (2hrs)
How to approach a new problem – similar to the “How to solve X” post. But considerations for working backwards from a wicked problem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicked_problem, as well as trying “The least bad solution I know of”, Murphy-jitsu, and known solutions to similar problems. 0. I notice I am approaching a problem.
being the kind of person that advice works for – The same words of advice can work for someone and not someone else. Consider why that is; and how you can better understand the advice that you are given, and how you might become the kind of person that advice works for.
Posts added to the list:
Turning Stimming into a flourish – For autists, to make a presentability out of a flaw.
How to manage time – estimating the length of future tasks (and more)
Spices – Adventures in sensory experience land.
Wing it VS Plan – All of the what, why, who, and what you should do of the two.
On-stage bias – The changes we make when we go onto a stage and how this relates to changing ourselves to suit the audience.
Creating a workspace – considerations when thinking about a “place” of work.
Meta: I will add new completed posts to the top of the page, and feel free to subscribe to the RSS to find out when new posts arrive, I will periodically reformat the ToC to fit them in their categories. (Time on this so far – 1 hour)