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Tag Archives: problem
Qualia of the problem
I have a generic rant about the qualia of the problem. It goes something like this: Qualia are a philosophical concept, they refer to subjective personal experience that can not be described, they are personally experienced and cannot be communicated. … Continue reading
Posted in models of thinking, self-improvement
Tagged Einstein, feel, fix, health reasons, obvious, problem, quales, qualia, quit smoking, solve, solving, system 1, system 2
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People who lie about how much they eat are jerks
Weight loss journey is a long and complicated problem solving adventure. This is one small factor that adds to the confusion. You probably have that one friend. Appears to eat a whole bunch, and yet doesn’t put on weight. If … Continue reading
Posted in exercise, life maintenance, models of thinking, self-improvement
Tagged habits, iterate, loss, noticing, problem, solving, test, weight
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The Problem (TM) – Analyse a conversation
I had a chat with a person who admitted to having many problems themselves. I offered my services as a problem solving amateur, willing to try to get to the bottom of this. Presented is the conversation (With details changed … Continue reading
Posted in models of thinking
Tagged analysis, appearance, depression, how, loneliness, problem, suicide, the problem (tm), theory
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