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Tag Archives: memory
An inquiry into memory of humans
In trying to understand how my memory for people works, I am trying to investigate in what order my people semantic network is arranged. For each exercise that follows you will need to think of a different person to avoid … Continue reading
Posted in models of thinking
Tagged deliberate practice, experiment, memory, peak, recall, thought experiment
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Worked example of a mnemonic Memory technique
In 2015 I wrote a list of techniques to help you remember names. Today I was working through trying to remember a specific theory and I noticed a pattern I have been using for a few days now. When trying … Continue reading
Posted in models of thinking, self-improvement
Tagged difficult conversations, extramarital affairs, fbreader, learning, memorisation, memory, mnemonics, Names, nvc, remembering, system 1, tts
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Memory and notepads
The value of having notes. Why do I make notes. Story time! At one point in my life I had a memory crash. Which is to say once upon a time I could remember a whole lot more than I … Continue reading
Posted in self-improvement
Tagged date, evdience, memory, notebooks, notes, observation, paper, record, science, sexy
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List of techniques to help you remember names
Name are very important. Everyone has one; everyone likes to know when you know their name. Everyone knows them to be a part of social interaction. You can’t avoid names (well you can, but it gets tricky). In becoming more … Continue reading
Posted in self-improvement
Tagged confidence, important, meeting strangers, memory, memory techniques, name, Names, remember, remembering, skills, techniques, trick
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